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Overcoming The Frustration Barrier


Have you ever felt frustrated? You know what I’m talking about – you’re out there, you’ve been working really hard on a deal or a relationship or saving money, whatever it is, and you just can’t quite seem to reach the goal. Something is in the way, some obstacle or other is blocking your path and you get tired of it, right?

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Product Description

“Discover how to stop feeling frustrated and learn the secrets to feeling unstoppable on a consistent basis”

Have you ever felt frustrated? You know what I’m talking about – you’re out there, you’ve been working really hard on a deal or a relationship or saving money, whatever it is, and you just can’t quite seem to reach the goal. Something is in the way, some obstacle or other is blocking your path and you get tired of it, right?

You get so mad, so disappointed in how things are going and you can’t see how to turn things around.  If you’ve ever felt this way in the past or if this is how you’re feeling right now, you’re in the right place and this is for you. On this audio recording we’re going to talk about Breaking through the Frustration Barrier.

I’m going to show you that angry, disappointed feeling that we call “frustration” can actually be a good thing. In order to understand how this works, we’re going to talk about what frustration is and where it comes from; and how understanding all of that will help you to use it to your advantage. You have the power to break through the frustration barrier and we’re going to talk about just how to do that.

In this audio program you will:

  • Learn How to Deal With Frustration Quickly & Easily
  • Establish the Root Causes Of Your Frustrations (& Other Negative Emotions)
  • Develop A Stronger Sense Of Inner Resilience
  • Learn How the Frustration Cycle Starts and How To Kill It Quickly
  • Discover How to Shift From Frustration to Focus, Fearlessness, Faith and Flow
  • And Much More…

The thing about frustration is that it arrives when you feel stopped or stuck in the process of achieving your goals. After trying a few times and seeing no results, disappointment kicks in and you find yourself going down a negative path – I call it the frustration cycle. At the start of the frustration cycle is the feeling of irritation and dissatisfaction. All of your inner emotions feel like exploding. Suddenly, you find yourself feeling frustrated. You get in a bad mood and it goes downhill from there.

There have been times when I’ve been frustrated in my life but I’ve learned some things along the way and had some great support and great coaches who’ve helped me learn some things about how to deal with frustration.  I’m here to share what I’ve learned with you.

Start this course today and begin your journey to new levels of success.

Tap into new levels of happiness with this life-changing audio program. Discover the system that has helped thousands of people achieve new levels of fulfillment and happiness.

Click the “Add to Cart” button to Buy Now. Take the next step toward living happy and contentment in every area of your life. You deserve it.

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