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What people are saying about Edward


“Edward was awesome and amazing! He boiled life and leadership down to the basics and engaged our audience in the process of realizing their greatest potential as humans and leaders.”



Edward Muñoz spent over a decade inspiring audiences to get out of their own way and “Unleash Their Inner Champion.” One of the most prominent ways his audience has connected with his mission are through his books. Edward believes that his books leave readers with guidelines for implementing the tools that motivated them so powerfully during his talks.





Whether you hire Edward for 1 hour or 1 day, expect to begin a journey toward success. Edward gives you invaluable tools that add spark and, without a doubt, blow your expectations & sales through the roof!

He delivers personalized and memorable presentations filled with a constant stream of fresh, unique ideas specially tailored to meet your audience’s needs and desires for success.

He also offers insight and clear principles that give direction to your vision and mission as to what your purpose is in life. Edward shares this message because he knows this is the quickest way to employ your talents and “Unleash Your Inner Champion”



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4 Ways Edward Muñoz Can Ignite Performance In Your Organization


Result Producing Speeches

Transforming audiences’ view of the world is the best way to describe an Edward Munoz Keynote. Your audience will experience the impact, benefits, and results of having their mind blown by the content and delivery of Edward’s speeches at your event, conference or convention.


Training That Makes A Difference

With a combination of principle-based content designed to empower and elevate audiences and the ability to deliver it in ways that are unforgettable, those who attend Edward’s trainings won’t be able to avoid multiplying the amount of success achieved in the past and even exceeding what they thought was possible.


State-Of-The-Art Coaching

The smartest and the best in every field use coaches – and want the best coaches. When it comes to coaching, Edward mentors every level of an organization in ways that don’t just enhance performance but enhances culture. It’s been said that culture eats strategy for breakfast – Edward’s training will end that permanently, making his coaching stick, companies happy, and revenue go through the roof.


Offsite Retreats


Sometimes you have to get participants away from their normal environments in order to best get through to them. Edward’s retreats take them out of their normal thinking and gives them the best access to developing themselves, discovering who they are and redefine how to perform such that they’re always operating at their best.



The Good, Bad & Ugly Of Edward Munoz

I was raised in a Dominican household in Brooklyn, New York with four siblings. Even though I grew up in an environment of gang-infested streets, I relied on my parents to provide a foundation for my lessons of life. My mom, who worked two jobs to support her family, always preached to me: “Edward, responsible and powerful people always honor their word, work really hard and never lie.” My dad, who came to the United States from Dominican Republic, was known as a strict disciplinarian. He only had an eighth grade education but retired with a healthy six-figure net worth. For him, it was important to work hard, save and invest money. He taught us: “If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to make it happen.”

At age 14, I took my first job. On foot, I delivered supermarket coupon newsletters to neighborhoods in Queens, New York on weekends, between 6am and 2pm. During the frigid, cold winter months, I layered my clothes with two of everything (pants, sweaters, socks) — followed by a plastic covering to avoid snow getting through them. Working outdoors in the summer was not any easier, as it meant I would sweat profusely. After my route, I would go back to the supermarket and pack grocery bags for customers, an experience that paid minimum wage plus tips.


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