How to Improve Your Thoughts for a Thriving Life

As I’m writing this, I’ve just returned from a holiday with my family on a nearby lake in Pennsylvania.

Having the ABILITY and the FREEDOM to really enjoy family time is THE BEST. Being with my young son and daughter are PRECIOUS MOMENTS that as a parent, slip by too quickly. BEING IN THE MOMENT than worrying about work is my picture of a THRIVING LIFE.


This week, I’m sharing with you how improving your thoughts…
set the STAGE
set the ACTIONS
and ultimately set the PICTURE of your THRIVING LIFE.

Your thoughts direct the actions you take in life. With every circumstance faced, good or bad— divorce, new job, bankruptcy, promotion— all started in your mind.


But if you’re not willing to change your thoughts, your life will stay the way it is.

Be honest with yourself right now.

Will you?

If not, stop wasting your time reading this.

BUT, if you’re looking for more FULFILLMENT, more PASSION and MEANING in your life then read on friend. Because THIS will help to UNLEASH YOUR INNER CHAMPION.

Think of your thoughts and your current “picture’ you are living right now like a seed becoming a tree.

Every tree that exists on the planet first existed as part of the seed. Each thought became a result just as a seed becomes a tree.
Like a seed, our THOUGHTS create EMOTIONS, then BEHAVIOUR which reflects the previous state.

If you’re still with me, let’s add on to this chronological manifestation of thoughts :)

Repeated BEHAVIOUR becomes CONSISTENCY creating a HABIT which is a prompt action or reaction to situations that are CHOICES and DECISIONS as a result of the habits we create.

So what do we do now?

STOP FOCUSING ON ACTIVITIES AND PERSONAL QUALITIES YOU DON’T LIKE that surrounding your business, work or family life as negative thoughts will be generated.

START FOCUSING ON WHAT YOU LIKE in that area of your life— “I have a decent boss,” “I am blessed to take my kids to school, even if it means I have to wake up earlier,” “I get to help people today,” whatever that is for you. SWITCH YOUR FOCUS to WHAT’S GOOD IN YOUR LIFE and WHAT YOU CAN DO rather than what’s out of your control that’s frustrating or demotivating.

Focus on listening to the thought that will inspire you to take new actions that will move your goals forward

Once in practice, you will notice a shift in your mindset and emotions. The deliberate action of improving your thoughts will show up as success and opportunities in the months to come, further moving you towards YOUR PICTURE of a THRIVING LIFE.

Live your thriving life,

Edward R. Munoz


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