Unraveling the Code Behind what Makes an Underdog Go from Struggle to Creating a Personal Success Story.

In this motivational masterpiece and instant classic, prominent life coach and motivational speaker Edward R. Munoz crafts a triumphant tale of personal growth and change that will have readers returning to its pages time and time again throughout their lives. An inspirational tale about life, discovery, and hustle, The Underdog’s Code to Riches takes you on a journey to unravel the code to success used by everyday people to win at life and amass riches.
In this journey of self discovery you will become one with the main character who is the underdog in the story. You will relate to his struggles and see how he is coached by his millionaire mentor. You will feel like his mentor, Mr. Rodriguez, is giving you the coaching personally. This powerful coaching will empower you to go from ‘Stuck’ to ‘Unstoppable’ in all the areas of your life once you discover the code.
Be warned; each page will leave you wanting to read more. As with all great tales, the characters and scenes in The Underdog’s Code to Riches serve to symbolize universal life lessons you can use to make better choices, live a fearless life and create massive successes, regardless of your present circumstances.


Happiness – everybody wants it. Some people just seem to be born with it, right? You know those folks I’m talking about who always seem to be in a good mood and are always smiling. Do they know something others don’t?
You can go online and find an endless number of articles and other resources that talk about how to “get” happiness or how to “be” happy, right? Lots of formal research has even been done to try to pin down exactly what it means to be happy – research that breaks down the literal scientific state of “happy” individuals in terms of physiological factors, like hormones and other chemical balances; as well as environmental and cultural factors, like socioeconomic status and other social influences. Yada! Yada! Yada! I know that to some people this can sound boring but let me tell you this, “happiness” is an important topic these days and always will be.
People want to be happy. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone was, in fact, happy? No one person can wave a magic wand and make that happen for everyone else, but can you achieve happiness for yourself? I think so. In fact, I know so.
In this book we’re going to explore the idea of happiness – what it is and what it isn’t. We are also going to explore what your idea of happiness is and where it comes from, and how we can all shift our states of mind to promote a realistic, achievable concept of what it means to be truly happy in our day-to-day lives. Maybe it sounds simple – and maybe it is. But this is a many-layered idea that deserves some time and some thought.
Buy this book today and begin your journey to new levels of happiness.
This downloadable Book has become one of our bestsellers. Don’t wait to discover how to experience the happiness that you deserve.


Have you ever felt frustrated? You know what I’m talking about – you’re out there, you’ve been working really hard on a deal or a relationship or saving money, whatever it is, and you just can’t quite seem to reach the goal. Something is in the way, some obstacle or other is blocking your path and you get tired of it, right?
You get so mad, so disappointed in how things are going and you can’t see how to turn things around. If you’ve ever felt this way in the past or if this is how you’re feeling right now, you’re in the right place and this is for you. In this book we’re going to talk about Breaking through the Frustration Barrier.
I’m going to show you that angry, disappointed feeling that we call “frustration” can actually be a good thing. In order to understand how this works, we’re going to talk about what frustration is and where it comes from; and how understanding all of that will help you to use it to your advantage. You have the power to break through the frustration barrier and we’re going to talk about just how to do that.
The thing about frustration is that it arrives when you feel stopped or stuck in the process of achieving your goals. After trying a few times and seeing no results, disappointment kicks in and you find yourself going down a negative path – I call it the frustration cycle. At the start of the frustration cycle is the feeling of irritation and dissatisfaction. All of your inner emotions feel like exploding. Suddenly, you find yourself feeling frustrated. You get in a bad mood and it goes downhill from there.
There have been times when I’ve been frustrated in my life but I’ve learned some things along the way and had some great support and great coaches who’ve helped me learn some things about how to deal with frustration. I’m here to share what I’ve learned with you.
Buy this book today and begin your journey to new levels of success.


In this book we’re going to talk about How to Create a Miraculous Breakthrough in Your Life Today. Because everyone can use a little something miraculous right now, right? I mean, how good does it feel when you reach a milestone, break through a barrier, or accomplish something new?
You’ve done it before and you want to experience that feeling again. In this book, we’re going to talk about how to make those moments happen for yourself instead of sitting around and waiting for something or someone else to bring things about.
Have you ever had a picture of what you want your life to look like? Most people do. You think, “Oh, yeah, by the time I’m 24, I’ll have this kind of job. By the time I’m 30, I’ll have this fine, sexy mate, we’ll live in this nice house in this nice neighborhood, or whatever. By the time I’m such-and-such an age, I’ll have this great position in my company.”
Sometimes the picture doesn’t mirror reality. We approach the milestones and we haven’t achieved the goals that we had set for ourselves.
Or, we reach those milestones but we’re not quite as satisfied with things as we thought we would be. There’s still maybe that yearning for more. You are yearning for that major breakthrough that you have not been able to cause.
Whatever that feeling of pain or unease is, whether it comes from a crisis or just a general state of dissatisfaction, it’s got you saying to yourself, “Something has got to change. Something is blocking my way.”


We could all probably come up with a thousand old sayings about the importance of perseverance, right? You got to be persistent, you got to have that stick-to-itiveness, and all those stories about how the world’s greatest leaders stayed the course and achieved great things, right? We’ve all heard it a million times, right? And they’re all true. There is no argument here about the merits of persistence. You already know it’s good.
It’s kind of common sense, core knowledge at this point, right? We’ve heard it enough times. It’s a basic, universally accepted idea, even, that persistence is necessary in order to succeed.
But it’s easy to say all that and believe in it when things are going well. What about when things aren’t going so well?
Trust me, there are times when it is easier to talk about persisting but much harder to do it. You know what I’m talking about. You have something you’re working on, something you’re really trying to achieve, and it’s taking a long time to get to that goal and a long time is starting to feel too long. You’ve been at this forever, trying to close that sale, trying to save that money, trying to grow that business, trying to raise money for your non-profit, whatever it is – and you have little to show for it. People keep telling you about the light at the end of the tunnel, but you can’t see it. You start to feel like you’re working for nothing.
And what happens when you start feeling hopeless like that? You start to give up. How exactly do you keep going when you find yourself in those hopeless situations?
In this book I am going to share what I have learned from research, my experience and the stories I have heard from the hundreds of leaders and successful entrepreneurs I have had the opportunity to coach, train, mentor and be mentored by. I am going to do my best to share with you the nuts and bolts of what it takes to persist even in the most difficult times.
Buy this book today and begin your journey to new levels of success.


If you’re not experiencing the type of success you envisioned when you set out to start your business, it’s not your fault. In fact, 95% of entrepreneurs are in the same boat – broke, frustrated and up the creek without a paddle.
Chances are I know exactly how you are feeling right now. I’ve been there myself. Do you go to bed worried and wonder how you are going to pay your bills at the end of the month? Are you overwhelmed with by the amount of work you have and wonder when you’ll have time to take a vacation? Are you confused and unsure where the next sales coming from? Are you stressed out and drowning in debt? And secretly, shhh…do you think about trading in your business for a desk job and steady paycheck! Sound familiar? Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way.
In this Book, I’ll reveal the strategies that helped me go from a washed up cab driver to an “Unstoppable Entrepreneur” running a Multimillion-Dollar Business…
In “The uEffect” Book I’ll be revealing:
- The 8 Small Business Mistakes that you and 95% of other business owners are making right now and how to fix them. Knowing these simple mistakes alone will push you into the top 5% of business owners that are making massive profits, saving you thousands of dollars, hundreds of hours and even saving your business. It’s really that powerful.
- When you’ve mastered the essential client attraction skill I’m going to teach you, it’s like having your own magic wand. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level so you can work only when you want to, with only the people you want to work with — and make the money you want to make — then you’re going to love this section of the course.
- How to stop the “getting something mindset”and start “the giving value mindset”. This here will completely blow you away… Instead of trying to get clients they come right to you just by using this simple technique…
- How to eliminate the fear of buyingin your prospects mind. Applying this strategy will immediately separate you miles from your competition. Sales will go through the roof and so will your happiness.
- How to get anyone, anywhere, anytime to promoteyour company and services for free. Implementing this one strategy will singlehandedly add a few zeros to your net worth. This strategy will also bring you out of the red and into the black. It’s Corporate America’s greatest hidden secret revealed!
- The three “common sense” strategiesyou’re probably using right now in your business and why they never
- The one thingyou can say to your clients that will have them open and willing to listen to your every word.
- Trigger wordsthat immediately defeat any chance you have of getting your communication heard. (You’ll probably kick yourself when you realize how often you’re using them.)
- What your clients reallyhear when you “mention your price!”
- Five things you can start doing todayin your business that will immediately turn the tide in your favor. (By the way, these five things always work).
- Why all the advice that well-meaning guru’s are giving youis actually making itimpossible for you to succeed.
- How to overcome the most self-defeating mindset. Once you realize it, it’s like flipping a switch that will allow you to get exactly what you want.
- How to create marketing campaignson an ordinary man’s budget. Once up and running, these campaigns will allow you to generate a greater pool of leads that allows you to pick and choose who you want to work with. It will also end your nightmare of wondering where the next sale is coming from and how you are going to pay the bills next month. This new sense of freedom will bring back the balance and ease into your life.
- How to build, train and create “The Dream Team”and when all is said and done you will more have more time to spend with your love ones, more freedom and more money. This is the reason you went into business in the first place right…!
- In total it has 40 business strategiesand anyone one of them could easily and quickly add anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 of extra profit to your bottom line this year.
- and much more! Too much to explain right here.
Here’s How You Can Get Started Saving Your Business (or How Take It To The next Level) In The Next 10 Minutes:
Simply put, grab your copy of “The uEffect System” NOW and you’ll be well on the way to adding another 100k at the very least to your bottom line this year! Hit the buy now button below right now, lock yourself away and go through EVERYTHING I’m giving you in the uEffect Book and start seeing real results now.

Al abrir este libro vas a descubrir los secretos para transformarte en un Líder Imparable. Los líderes impactan nuestra vida diaria y nuestro futuro. A través de la historia, en todos los tiempos siempre han existido grandes líderes que han influenciado positivamente el curso de la humanidad; los líderes determinan el éxito de un negocio o una industria. En este libro, Edward habla de la importancia de estimular el liderazgo innato que todos poseemos y desarrollar las habilidades del liderazgo adquirido que se obtiene con las circunstancias de la vida. Tu equipo, grupo u organización será inspirado por la forma como Edward responde esta pregunta: ¿Cómo puede alguien obtener la determinación de ser un “Líder Imparable”?