The Power Of letting go with velocity.

The Power Of letting go with velocity. In this episode, I will teach you a very powerful but simple tactic that you can use to liberate yourself from the past so that you can ultimately move forward as your best self. Many people carry a ton of weight from their past. If you really think […]
He did this when he came out of prison…

He did this when he came out of prison… In this episode, I want to share a very powerful piece of advice I gave to a friend of mine who I recently had a phone conversation with. This individual is in prison and he will be released shortly. It’s no secret that prison is often […]
Poor Starts in the Mind

Poor Starts in the Mind Before I begin on this topic, I’d like to first disseminate the difference between POVERTY and POOR. POVERTY is a temporary situation— you can’t do what you want, when you want to do it POOR means you have a LIMITED VIEW OF LIFE— thinking small, constant comparisons “the grass is […]
The Difference between Surrendering and Quitting

The Difference between Surrendering and Quitting Are you in a situation that you feel stuck? No traction No movement No progress This “plateau” in your life can feel stressful and leaves you in a negative emotional space without any hope for improvement. Sound familiar? The #1 thing you can do is to SURRENDER. Instead of […]
How to Improve Your Thoughts for a Thriving Life

How to Improve Your Thoughts for a Thriving Life As I’m writing this, I’ve just returned from a holiday with my family on a nearby lake in Pennsylvania. Having the ABILITY and the FREEDOM to really enjoy family time is THE BEST. Being with my young son and daughter are PRECIOUS MOMENTS that as a […]
How to Combat The Negative Voice In Your Head

How to Combat The Negative Voice In Your Head When I travel around the world sharing strategies to achieve peak performance in business and life, I always ask audience members, What’s the NUMBER 1 thing that stops people from moving ahead in life? Consistently, I hear being shouted out… MY MOTHER, MY BOSS, FEAR! Now […]
How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over.

How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over. ⅓ of Americans are dissatisfied with their lives. Are you part of the ⅓? That’s a sad way to be When you AVOID taking the actions you know you need to take to accomplish your goal, you literally SABOTAGE YOURSELF. The definition of “sabotage” itself means to deliberately destroy, […]
What Is The Energy Of Your Being?

What Is The Energy Of Your Being? We can’t control what’s happening in the economy, the emotional moods of other people or our children. But the ONE THING that we DO have control over is WHO WE ARE BEING at that very moment. So what do I mean when I describe us, people, as “beings”…. […]

5 WAYS TO UPGRADE YOUR THINKING. We’re taking it back to the very beginning, the origins of what differentiates us as humans. Something we may not intentionally think about (pun intended), but it holds immense POWER when we consciously harness it in our favour. When we are faced with a challenge, Albert Einstein said “WE […]

HOW TO AVOID BEING BROKE, BROKEN OR BUSTED. This MONDAY starts A NEW WEEK. A NEW CHAPTER in your life where YOU make the steps to FULFILL YOUR LIFE’S VISION. As you face yourself in mirror this morning, ask yourself these three questions. In doing so, you HONOR your STARTING POINT SO you can MOVE […]
How to Stack the Odds in Your Favor

How to Stack the Odds in Your Favor Having a bad day? Blow after blow in your work efforts, business efforts and home efforts when nothing seems to be going right? What you were expecting didn’t come. No recognition of your efforts. Nothing is going your way. I think we can all agree we have […]

Don’t Rush The Process. Trust The Process. Welcome to MOTIVATION MONDAY where I share messages and thoughts that empower you to reach your peak performance and unleash your inner champion. In this episode, TRUST THE PROCESS, DON’T RUSH THE PROCESS. We can all get stuck in our heads over-analyzing what to do next, trying to […]